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2-day Meditation Masterclass Vigyan Bhairav

taught by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Poland


“Meditation brings out 4 I's: Innovation, Intuition, Inspiration and Intelligence”
Sri Sri Ravi Shankarfounder of the international organisation Art of Living
“Life changing”
“It can be the fastest
developing spiritual practice in the world”
“It brings relief
in depression”
“Like a fresh air
for billions of people”
First time in Europe in 2019
About the course
2-day of meditation guided by a Master of meditation
“Vigyan Bhairav” is a two day course of meditation, based on 112 techniques that give us the experience of a new dimension – experiencing Infinity within us as well as in the World around us. The program is dedicated for people who already practice meditation as well as for beginners who have been waiting for the right moment to start.
Learning meditation techniques to release stress and tension.
Learn how to be free of everything that holds you back and release your full potential. Experience peace of mind and harmony in your day-to-day life. Take the first step towards your transformation!
You will have a chance to take part in question and answer sessions.
During this extraordinary workshop, the peace ambassador and spiritual teacher Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will unveil the subtle secrets of “Vigyan Bhairav” “The Science of Consciousness” – an ancient text on meditation, created 5000 years ago. In his uniquely light and accessible way, he will guide us towards an experience of the deep space and blissful state within all of us.
What are the benefits?
You will dive deep into an experience
deep joy
from within.
You will experience clarity of mind and clarity in action.
You will start acting in a more self-assured way – become aware of your potential.
You will activate inner reservoirs of energy, increase your vitality and improve your immune system
You will increase creativity, dynamism and your decision-making ability
Your meditation practice will become deeper and you will thus awaken your intuition.
Book now!
The course will take place in Centrum Promocji Taraska – Polish Art of Living Centre, surrounded by forests of Sulejów Landscape Park. Purchasing a ticket for the course Vigyan Bhairav you will have a possibility of buying accommodation in the Taraska Centre.
Only on our website, after buying a ticket for Vigyan Bhairav,
you can book an accommodation in Taraska Centre.



for Vigyan Bhairav

2 days meditation cours
with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



Do you have questions?
Call us:
+48 575 018 118
Or send an email:

Watch participants films
Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Milan
Frankfurt, Munich, Vilnius
Over 50 0000 people from all over the world have experienced extraordinary benefits from the “Vigyan Bhairav” course. Every time all the tickets have been sold before time!
“This is an undeniably outstanding experience. It allows you to take an enermous leap, to fully immerse in absolute tranquility and happiness. The presence of Sri Sri Ravi Shankara made me feel exposed to infinity. By the time the meeting ended I was in love with my life again.”

Tiziana N.

“I'm no longer just a ‘collector of knowledge’. Vigyan Bhairav starts wheremere knowledge ends: this inner journey is beyond words. Onlya true master can explain this 5000-year-old scripture to all those practicing meditation.”

Andrew Ong, Singapur

“Vigyan Bhairav goes beyond words, beyond logic, it's something you can't get the measure of.It's a way of transmitting knowledge that continues to impact your body and mind for a longer time”.

Max, Russia

“It might seems weird to talk about meditation techniques since meditation seem to be mostly about “doing nothing“. This is what I understood through - truth isoften complicated and self contradictory, it's not linear. What seems impossible at first becomes possible eventually”.

Stefania Milan

Center For Health Promotion Taraska
Taraska 19a, 26-337 Taraska
Allow yourself to relax in the soothing greenery of the forest and surroundings of Taraska. This venue was founded in 2002 withinthe Sulejowski Landscape Park. Proximity of nature, silence, peace vegetarian meals and good Energy will allow you to go deep into silence and relaxation.
The rooms in the main building of the Taraska retreat center are sold-out. It is possible to stay in wooden cottages or tents in Taraska after purchasing a ticket for the Vigyan Bhairav course. Another option is to independently book accommodation in one of two nearby hotels:

1. Best Western Hotel Trybunalski, ul. Grota-Roweckiego 5, Piotrków Trybunalski

2. Ośrodek Wczasowy Dresso, 97-330 Sulejów

From these two hotels, we will provide shuttles to Taraska where the course Vigyan Bhairav will take place. We will inform about the transport costs in the near future.
37 years of experience

156 countries

370 m. people
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Founder of Art of Living Foundation
A teacher, peace humanitarian values ambasador.His version of a world free from stress and violence inspires millions in 156 countriesArt of living already helpedover 370 millionspeople to find a peace of mind and joy of life. Thanks to breathing techniques , meditation and practical knowledge shared in ourour courses, we help people to strengthen social bonds and regain mental and psychical well-being.
“Always when you feel love and joy your mind is here and now. And that is the art of living – being in a present moment”.
About Art of Living